Waiting for Harry

Weblog for Robbin Koenig (known in the SCA as Broinnfinn inghean ui Chathain, or just plain Bri.)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Secret Diaries...

Like I said, I don't use this blog much since I started my "myspace" blog. The Myspace blog, while not as elegant, is a bit easier to maintain. But I am discovering the utility of multiple blogs. I actually have four - but I am not saying where they all are.

Sometimes I have things I just need to get off my chest that the myspace forum is a little too "public" for. Probably 95% of the time, there is really nothing I would say that I wouldn't say to the face of the person involved. The other 5% of the time are cases where:

1. I know I am probably being unfair and biased, but need to vent.

2. I am working things through in my head and need a place to test out ideas where nobody is taking anything as gospel. I think out loud - well, I think through my fingers. Writing is my way of seeing my ideas and turning them over and shaking them and testing the arrangment. Unfortunately, some folks get bent by my experimentation.

3. Nobody else but me is interested - sometimes it's about my job, my adoration for my kid, things that get old to a "captive" audience.

So this blog is my cheap substitute for therapy. I know that my Diaryland blog is probably a better forum, but the format annoys me.

So, Here I Am.


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